FUEL Helps Launch High-Flying Science Series

FUEL is helping to power up an innovative science-themed TV series called “The Science of Thrill” that has captured the attention of the National Science Foundation, PBS, and Discovery Networks.

Created by Cedar Rapids-based StoryLounge Media Group in cooperation with area science experts, the multi-part series provides an awe-inspiring look at the science behind topics ranging from high-altitude flight to the effects of chocolate on body chemistry.

Series creator Vaughn Halyard enlisted FUEL’s help to tailor both the “Science of Thrill” and StoryLounge brands. “When we started dealing with the National Science Foundation and PBS, I knew I needed our brand to resonate in a way that was above our internal skill level, and I wanted to work with a team that was not afraid to reach,” he explains.

“FUEL is helping define and refine our logos, our overall look and feel for our traditional as well as rich media and packaging. They are extremely, profoundly creative, and it’s a tremendous relationship where we understand each other and get things done efficiently. It’s a great strategic and tactical partnership. FUEL is really our Ministry of Look and Feel.”

Halyard credits FUEL with helping support the pioneering series by designing attention-grabbing presentations that enabled development funding from the National Science Foundation.

FUEL designers also art directed a critical and sensitive photo and video shoot with the Navy’s Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Squadron. “The Blue Angels gave us incredible access, allowing us to work directly on the tarmac with jets, pilots, flight surgeon and staff in what proved to be varied conditions and lighting,” Halyard says. “We enlisted professional art direction to make sure we made the most of that tremendous opportunity.”

He also works with FUEL to art direct and storyboard the show’s graphics and animation. “When people see the animation, they gasp,” Halyard states. “We successfully delivered the intended shock effect.”

In addition to its relationship with PBS, which will broadcast “The Science of Thrill” later this year, StoryLounge is working with the Iowa Math and Science Partnership, education systems across the country and other organizations to support science, technology and math education through its ground-breaking media projects.