Successful Agency Relationships: It’s All About Fit

If you arrived here and are reading this blog post, you’re possibly contemplating whether FUEL would be a good fit for you and your company.

You might be thinking FUEL is just another advertising agency, but I assure you, we are not. We take our clients to the next level with comprehensive brand development instead of short-term advertising.

If you’ve got a solid product or service, it’s high time you started thinking about your brand strategy.

Brand leader or brand challenger, it doesn’t matter. If you already have the market share, plenty of others will be there to try to take it away from you. If you’re the challenger, let’s go get you some market share.

Do you have an open mind, and can you let go enough to allow meaningful change to happen? When you work with FUEL, we may challenge your preconceptions about your own company and suggest something new.

Would you be willing to fully collaborate with a brand consultant (such as FUEL) toward the achievement of a common goal? After all, your success is our success.

Are you prepared to fund brand development and management, so it can take root and grow once the up-front work is done? Branding isn’t a one-and-done solution; it takes constant work.

Do you have staff in place, or will you have to continue a relationship with the brand consultant in the absence of in-house staff? There is no one right answer here. Often the solution is a blend of staff and agency relationship, especially in high-growth companies.

Are you prepared to meet the success of your brand and marketing efforts elsewhere in your company?

One of our clients has constantly improved their product line over the last 15 years as their brand has grown. It is no coincidence. Successful brands are growing. Expanding. Forward-looking.

It’s one of our longest running relationships and rewarding for both sides.

Finally, can you see your company or organization as a future case study, blog post, or featured library item on the FUEL site? You can learn a lot about us through the work we’ve shared.

Is FUEL a good fit for your company? We operate a bit differently, and we’ll push you to do the same.

– John M.