Exploring Self Expression: The Poster Project

When you look through our case studies and library, you’ll see there isn’t a distinct FUEL style. We aim for timeless over trendy, but in the end, everything we create should feel distinctive to each client’s brand.

Yet each FUEL designer is an individual with unique talent and life experiences to draw from. Each also has their own personal and unique way they approach their work, their art.

In a collaborative working environment like ours, this individuality doesn’t always get to shine through.

After all, it’s the blending of the all the FUEL designers’ unique and distinctive talents together that becomes FUEL’s singular face and voice that serves our clients so well.

As much as we’re a collaborative studio, we never forget where that collaborative magic originates…the individual.

So every few years, the designers work on a newer iteration of the Poster Project – a project that is all about individuality.

We’ve intentionally chosen Serigraphy for a couple of reasons.

First, it’s a relatively unfamiliar format that demands discipline and rigor in spite of its somewhat undeserved reputation of being a rather simplistic method to produce a printed image.

And second, the medium lends itself well to personal artistic and creative expression and is generally considered fine art, thus it’s the perfect medium to express one’s individuality.

Each designer draws a unique topic that will become the subject of their poster. To inspire this round, designers drew out of a hat the names of things that require some form of fuel.

Through the Poster Project, each designer becomes their own boss, client, and critic for the duration.

Guests to the studio have enjoyed past works on display and many have marveled at the broad range of styles and techniques demonstrated by the poster series.

When the posters are juxtaposed with our client work, it becomes abundantly clear why we cultivated a culture that demands teamwork – yet finds ways to celebrate the individual.

This time around, FUEL designers collaborated with Burlesque, a screen printing boutique in Minneapolis, to produce a limited run of (50) prints of each poster design.

We’ll be hanging one of each in the studio. Next time you’re in, be sure to check them out.

Want to add to your art collection? Keep an eye on our social media for a link to our Etsy shop where you can purchase a limited edition print!